Saturday, February 19, 2011

The big question....

"What happens if the races get cancelled/postponed or something at 4am?" Well, here's the deal: The first call that's made is from the promoter to Prez Jim Falke, the second call is to the hotline number 715-212-6340. We then change the "outgoing" voice-mail message to say whatever is going on (like cancelled-turn home) as needed. The next thing is we text into the feed and update that as well as our page. Both the bolg page and twitter feed then automatically show up on the site to update people who are looking via the web.

So, depending how your personal situation is (smartphone/web/twitter/plain old telephone) you will get the update inside of a few minutes of the original call - and if you have cell coverage you can find out "on the road" just as fast.

Again, as of Saturday afternoon (1:45pm) the races at Dexterville are a go!