Sunday, December 9, 2012

In case you were wondering about a certain KX500..

HD link at

Season Countdown

Well, the Dyno Day at Power Pac went great (thanks Michael & Larry!) and the first race at Fremont is only weeks away.

As is the tradition the first race will be Saturday at Fremont and will be non-points, Sunday will be the real deal (full points).  If you choose to work the Fremont weekend you do have the option of working Saturday OR Sunday - however if you race Sunday those points will NOT count.  This year the program is different in  that you don't GET points for working, but your points will NOT count unless you work.  That doesn't really change much but it will be easier for you to see where you are in the points standings - those points numbers will not change because of "work points" added.  The only thing that will change is the people whose points won't count at the end because they didn't get a work day in.

The 2013 Rule Book is also posted - click on the "rules" link at the top of the web page to see it.

I've added a few things to the "forms" page (the link is to the right of the "rules" link) like gearing charts and gear spreadsheet formulas.  As I find more stuff like that lurking on the Internet I will add them there.  You will also find Minor Waivers on that page - if you choose to have them done in advance remember they MUST BE PRINTED IN COLOR and the adult signature MUST BE NOTARIZED.  You WILL need a separate waiver for each event of the season - that's different from the AMA. Our insurance carrier treats each week as a separate deal.

On the subject of insurance......that seem to be all set for the 2013 season (knock on wood).  If you ever get the chance to thank Jim Falke for anything - it's the insurance.  It's no exaggeration in that he spends more time over the summer on insurance than he spends the ENTIRE YEAR dealing with everything else the CWIRA requires.  One way you can return the favor is by making sure you sign the waivers as required and do what you can to "stay safe".

And PLEASE - if you see some Jackwagon screwing around in the pits either "have a word" with them or tell one of the officials or board members.  This year I'm honored to be on the board for the motorcycles so by all means find me in the race trailer and I will make sure somebody deals with it.  Very very few CWIRA racers misbehave in the pits so what we usually find is that it's a spectator or other "outside" person causing the problem.  Despite what you may have heard, the race area IS under our control and we can "ask someone to leave" if needed.  Not the lake, but the pits & race area.

Weather looks good for making ice - but KNOW YOUR AREA before you go out testing the next few weeks.  Be safe folks.

As in past years the "hotline" is my cell at 715-212-6340 and I update the voicemail on raceday as the situation requires.  Example:  It's 4am and the first guy to the track finds it under water and the race is cancelled.  I'm the 2nd person to find out and I then change the voicemail on that number with the info.  YOU are already "on the road" so you can call and get the message, saving you the driving.  I also update the feed and this part of the web site as soon as I get good enough internet access - but the phone is the first thing to get changed.  We have had cancellations in the past and this all seems to work good for saving people from complications.  If you know someone who does not use these devices (but still has a phone) - make sure they know the phone number is there to use as needed.  If you've got the other stuff you already know what to do.

Thar's all I got.  See ya @ Fremont.
