Monday, January 28, 2013

Dexterville Saturday - Full Points

We have moved the cancelled Hatfield points event to Dexteville - Feb 16.  Full CWIRA points both Saturday & Sunday (Feb 17) on Lake Dexter.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

250 AM Motorcycle Class

We've only had a few riders in the 250 AM Bike class - so in an effort to see more bikes on the track we will now allow 2-Strokes UP TO 250cc in that class.  So the class structure now says Motorcycles up to 250cc with no reference to it being a smoker or a cammer.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hatfield Canceled

The race at Hatfield set for Sunday Jan 20 has been cancelled.  The ice conditions at the race site would have required us to again pit on shore so with no vehicle/trailer protection on the ice the -25 wind chill forecast for race morning would have created a dangerous situation.

We hope to find a way to schedule a "make-up" race later in the season - more details on that as we figure something out.  If you know of someone planning to attend this event that does not check the Internet please do them a favor and pass along the cancellation info.

See you all next week at Rock Dam!

Friday, January 18, 2013


Be advise that we are watching the weather very closely for Sunday - some forecasts are predicting zero degrees and 20mph winds - and we may cancel this race due to dangerously cold conditions.

If/when this is decided it will be posted here and on our feed.  It will also be updated on the hotline at 715-212-6340.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Race Times

The number 1 question I get on the Hotline during the week is "What time do the races start?".  So, here's the usual schedule:

Sign-up opens at 8 and stays open till 10.
Practice starts at 8:30/9 (usually) and runs till about 10:15.
Riders meeting at 10:30 with racing starting right after - usually about 10:45/11am.

Now, we make it a point to never turn away anybody who shows up late but the rules do say there is a fine for signing up after 10.  I've rarely done that if you are just late or something, or decide later in the morning to add a class.  Just do what you can to get signed up on time & we'll be OK.  One of the things that happens at sign-up is I have to print out the class rosters for the Heat splits at 10 so they are ready for the riders meeting - when you sign up late all that has to be done over and it's a mess.  So if you are pulling in the gate close to 10 GET YOUR BUTT TO SIGN-UP or have one of your people do it for you.  If you get there late and need a sighting lap because you missed practice we will get you out there if we can.  I've had riders in the past worry more about practice than signing up - BIG NO-NO.  You MUST be entered and properly waivered BEFORE we can allow you on the track. Those are the folks who will get the "late entry fine".

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Parking On Shore

Just a little reminder why we get so fussy about parking on shore and where you park on the ice.  This is from about 8 years ago in Minnesota at a sled race.

Stay safe my friends!

Monday, January 14, 2013

From the Liquid Image Web Site..........

Congrats to Adam Bushman, who sweeps the CWIRA Opener in Fremont,WI. Sharing his success from his personal point of view, with the Torque 368!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sherwood a Go-Go...

This report filed Friday Afternoon.....

"The Moose endurance race is on for Saturday. The track is nearly smooth and nearly 4 miles in length. With dropping temps tonight we should be in nearly good shape for the morning. All parking will be on shore and bike pit on ice. We will not have open practice but a guided parade lap at 10am to define track due to lack of snow. See you for sign up at 8am."

From John Strangfeld

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday Update

Looks like we'll be parking on shore both at Sherwood next week and Fremont this week.  Pack light and prepare accordingly.

The Moose Endurance Race is back on Saturday at Sherwood.  It had been set to run alongside the C-dub Sunday race but it has been moved back to it's traditional Saturday spot.

The ice at both Sherwood and Fremont is great - there just needs to be more of it.  The turnout for Fremont Saturday was light so the track is PRIME for the Sunday points season opener.

Be aware of the changes to the "Work For Points" program this year.  The BIG difference is you DON'T get points for working (like in the past) but if you don't get a work day in none of your season points will count.  Hunt down John Strangfeld if you have questions.