Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fremont 2 Results @ Break

The results at halftime:

For the complete results click on the "Points/Results" tab on top.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tomah Results Posted

Results from the CWIRA/Kold Kutter Klash Mid-Season Championship are now posted - follow the "Results" tab above.

Remember Sunday the 31st we are back at Fremont!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Fremont 1 Results

Final results for Fremont 1:
Fremont 1 Results Link

Entry List for Fremont 1:
Fremont 1 Entry List Link

OK, I know you're wondering why it's now called "Fremont 1" - The Winterfest event scheduled for Jan 31 at Wissota has been cancelled by the Altoona promoters and we have TENTATIVELY scheduled that points race top be held at Fremont.  That race would then be......."Fremont 2"

Fremont results Heat #1

After one Moto:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

CWIRA Racing @ FREMONT Jan 17

Be advised the races are ON for Sunday Jan 17 - moved to FREMONT.  This will be a full schedule and full points event.  We WILL need workers so if you can sign up on the worker page of the web site.

Parking will be on the ice but if you have a bigger rig/truck you will pull up to the shore with the truck on shore & trailer on the ice.  Smaller rigs parked like normal.

See you Sunday!

I can tell you where we are NOT racing this week.....

Rock Dam and Humbird are not racing this Sunday (Jan 17).
Fremont is in good shape and at this time arrangements are being made for the race to move there.  Expect a confirmation of that by the end of the day Thursday.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week Two - Tilleda - Don't load up quite yet.....

Here's the situation:  Tilleda is a "everybody on the ice" track.  Before anybody can race there it has to be good ice and it's a bit sketchy right now.

NO DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE.  As of Monday the race is still on.  We will be checking with the people from that event as the week goes on.

Plan B:  Humbird and Fremont have "parking on shore" so we can race with much less ice.  Both locations are better than they were last week (Fremont has zero snow on it's ice) but not quite ready either.

We plan on deciding where/if we are going to race by about Thursday at the latest.  The weather forecast is not helping (rain) so we are leaving as much room to decide as we can.  Next week?  Below zero so Rock Dam should be A-OK.

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Race Day Entry Forms

Save time at sign-up.  Here is the 2016 version of the entry form (hint: it's a lot like the 2015 one):
If you are looking for that elusive CWIRA Membership Number - find it here:
All the forms are on the web page via the "forms" link at the top of the page.