Thursday, October 27, 2011

The new 2012 Work for Points Program

2012 Work Points Program
Worker Points will be obtained by following the below parameters: 
Workers must sign up for desired events at the fall meeting, or two weeks prior to the event.
Each event will have a limited number of positions to be filled
All worker registration will be filled via "first come- first serve" per event
Only those people that have completed the pre-approval process qualify for “Worker Points”
Racers may recruit a qualified worker to work the day of the event for them, however they are still responsible for the required work getting done
Racers may compete during race day with no race points awarded
Worker sign-up and worker duties will be posted on
A club officer will provide the CWIRA points referee with a workers list after the event has taken place.
Club officers are responsible for ensuring that the worker has completed necessary duties during race day
Riders not meeting the necessary duties will not receive their worker points.
Racers will not be given a make-up work day if the pre-approved race is missed.
Worker must check in at registration trailer by 7am race day.
Worker points to be paid on the following structure:
Full day worker points will be 30 points
Each rider will be limited to 30 worker points per season.
Day of event worker duties: Set-up 7am EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE IN EVENT SET UP Job Responsibilities available day of event:

1. Trailer sales/ Flag assistant
2. Corner worker 1
3. Corner worker 2
4. Corner worker 3
5. Corner worker 4
6. Scoring assistant
7. Tech 1
8. Tech 2
9. Staging
10. Starter

Riders will be able to compete during the approved work day  (providing all required work is done)
Workers are responsible to pay a promoter gate fee.
Safety vests must be worn by all workers during race day
Work day does not count as throw out race