Friday, February 10, 2012


Getting some calls so here's a little clarification.
We do follow a lot of the AMA guidelines but we are NOT AMA so none of their memberships are required.  If you are NOT a CWIRA member we'll let you run for a "1-day" membership of $10 - do that three times in a year and you're in anyway because we count 1-days toward a years fee.

We DO NOT require tethers on bikes.

We DO NOT require special "ice fenders" on studded quads.

We DO NORMALLY SOUND TEST, but WILL NOT test for sound at Weyauwega because of the conditions there and the Triple Crown.  All other Tech issues will still be checked like we usually do.

Number plates?  OK, I gotta ask, how can you show up at a racetrack without good numbers?  DUH!!!!!  BLACK numbers on WHITE plates PLEASE!  We are racing in a snow-dust environment and we actually do have to see your number to score you.  Quads need one on the front, one on the back and one high and forward on the left side.  If you need help check the photos from  If the PeeWees can get it right, why not you big boys?  And yes, if you have a "custom" bike plate with dark blue numbers on a light blue backround you will get yelled at too.

There may be other differences between the AMA and us - if you have a question ask!